Spider's Online Diary
Much more detailed, and much less frequent than a blog, every few months Spider writes a Diary entry to let us know what's on his mind. Great performances he has seen, great albums he has discovered, exciting events and personal recollections are all grist for the Onilne Diary.
30 December, 2006 --Witch, Witch, the Wicked Dingdong is Dead
Written early on 30 December, within hours of the execution of Saddam Hussein.
9 November, 2006 – The Crazy Years Take Flight
The H.R. MacMillan Space Centre just became slightly cooler.
4 October, 2006--Stick With Me, Baby—I’ll Bring You All The Way To Mordor...
Well, I shouldn’t have been surprised but I was. George W showed up for dinner Friday night, unannounced. We’d only been told to expect the First Lady.
5 August, 2006--Over To Us
The best concert I've seen since the Beatles played Shea Stadium 41 years ago this month is on the road in America as we speak...
13 July, 2006--The Best Music Festival I Know
I am so old I saw the Beatles at Shea Stadium; I've attended a lot of music festivals. I just got back from the best one I've ever been to, bar none, no contest.
29 June, 2006--RIP Jim Baen
"On the way to the stars –" Yesterday my old friend Jim Baen had to leave. Stroke, at 62
26 June, 2006--The Coolest Party Ever
If you're Canadian, and awake, you probably know Moses Znaimer.
8 May, 2006--The Second Woman in my Life...
Spider makes a very important discovery: the name of the librarian who started him reading.
15 April, 2006--GOOD DOOG,
Close Enough for Folk Music
A quick but instructive story about accuracy in print.