Spider's Online Diary
Much more detailed, and much less frequent than a blog, every few months Spider writes a Diary entry to let us know what's on his mind. Great performances he has seen, great albums he has discovered, exciting events and personal recollections are all grist for the Onilne Diary.
1 December, 2004--Here Today, Gaughan Tomorrow
Spider remembers Jack Gaughan, "one of the very finest illustrators in the history of science fiction," and shares a small surprise.
11 August, 2004--Enough of that good news crap
In an open letter to his friend, SF author John Varley, Spider recounts the harrowing tale of the convention-that-wasn't.
24 July, 2004--Life Keeps Getting Better...
A musical Peak Experience, courtesy of the 2004 Vancouver Island Music Festival, complete with pictures.
12 April, 2004--I Hope Reilly’s Okay
In a rare moment of rest, Spider shares his joy.