Reviews and Feedback
Spider and Jeanne have received a lot of reader mail over the years and they are always touched by the impact that their work has on other people's lives. This page will feature some of their favourite comments from fans that took the time to write, as well as reviews from professionals in the field.
If you would like to submit your comments on any of Spider's novels, short stories, essays, or Spider and Jeanne's work together on the STARDANCER trilogy, please write to us here. We'll make sure they see it, and if they like it enough your words may get posted here in the future.
Professional Reviews — click on a book cover to read what the pros have to say.

Reader Feedback — a collection of some of Spider's favourite comments that he has received from readers over the years.
You just can't kill for Jesus/Allah/Jahweh/Rama/Elvis... — Spider's Future Tense article in the GLOBE AND MAIL provoked such a flood of reader responses that we're giving it its own page. Read the full article and the replies here.