Spider's Online Diary
Much more detailed, and much less frequent than a blog, every few months Spider writes a Diary entry to let us know what's on his mind. Great performances he has seen, great albums he has discovered, exciting events and personal recollections are all grist for the Onilne Diary.
26 November, 2005--Tell Them While You Still Can
Try this internet experiment at home...
4 October, 2005--Paul Pena Remembered
Spider recommends the work of a recently-departed friend.
8 September, 2005--Carry On, Singing
An evening with CSN carries a much-needed message of hope and love.
28 August, 2005--How to make Microsoft Word STOP rewriting your copy
Spider learns the hard way that Microsoft Office 2004 may not work in the way that it claims to.
15 July, 2005--So THAT's why they call it 'Federal'…
A complaint letter from Spider to FedEx contains a warning for the rest of us.
29 June, 2005--Master of Hunter
The graduation of Spider and Jeanne's daughter Terri gives them reason to re-visit New York City.
25 April, 2005--Him and That Guitar
Reminiscences of a lifelong musical hero, guitarist and singer Amos Garrett.
28 February, 2005--RIP: Jef Raskin--the REAL Mac daddy
Spider remembers Jef Raskin, creator of the Apple Macintosh.
30 January, 2005--Nailed by the Croz
Spider shares a very special fan letter, and gives some musical recommendations to back it up.