Panels and conventions from years-gone-by
The Slip F-18 is Spider at the address (now demolished) of 'The Busted Flush', home of John D. MacDonald's immortal character Travis McGee: Slip F-18, Bahia Mar Marina, Fort Lauderdale FL. Photo by Jeanne. |

The immortal Theodore Sturgeon cracking up at something Spider said, while Jeanne watches, on a panel at Halcon in Halifax, 19mumblemumble, a year or two before Ted died. |

Spider and Frank Herbert, about 1975 or so. Dunno where. He's the one with the GOOD beard... |


These two were taken by Jay K. Klein at the Nebula Awards Banquet, the night that Robert Heinlein was given the first-ever Grandmaster Nebula. Jay K caught me just moments after I had met Robert, and he had told me he liked my Callahan's Place stories. Also, I paid for my banquet ticket that night by performing a few songs before the speeches; from the configuration of my fingers, I'm pretty sure the shot was snapped while I was singing Spider John Koerner's "Sometimes I Can't Help Myself." |

Photo by Carol C. Pflock. |


Spider's first panel was at Disclave, forget the year. Participants l to r are Jerry Pournelle, SR, Arsen Darnay, Karl Pflock, and Jim Baen (then editor at Ace, now publisher of Baen Books). Photos by Carol C. Pflock |