Spider's CD: Belaboring the Obvious is available to download for free!
The CD features Spider reading Chapter One of his Bantam hardcover (and Locus bestseller) CALLAHAN'S KEY -- and singing four of his original songs with a killer band including the legendary Amos Garrett on lead guitar.
"A musician was what I always wanted to be when I grew up. I just didn't make the cut. At about the point when I was getting good enough to get gigs, the bottom suddenly fell out of the Folk Music market: without warning the lovably whacky public had decided it preferred disco. Minor but chronic annoyance to bail bondsmen and legal aid lawyers across North America--not to mention myself--was narrowly forestalled when I discovered by accident that science fiction writing offered an alternative way to avoid working for a living. The brief danger of my entrance into respectable society passed, to the barely concealed relief of both sides, and life went on. And on. For decades.
Then, in 1996, came Josh Mandel..." Read more about the creation of the CD in Spider's Diary entry.
Read the official Press Release.
back cover
inside liner
The following links are to high-quality, stereo, excerpts from four songs in MP3 format.
The Drunkard's Song (54 seconds, 834K)
Belabouring the Obvious (37 seconds, 721K)
Leather Zippo Holster (35 seconds, 678K)
Oblivion (44 seconds, 861K)